Position Confirmation Agreement & Info

To officially accept your hall government position, please review and complete the form below. If you have any questions, please contact the Election Commissioner at jwsherry@unl.edu. 


Please include the full email and check email is correct.
Shirt Size Required

Please list anything we should be aware of for group events and explain the severity of any specific allergies we should avoid. If none, please list N/A.
Organization Required
Do you plan to have an on-campus meal plan for Fall 2023-2024? Required

Leadership Retreat

Leadership Retreat is scheduled for Sunday, September 17,2023 from 8AM-5PM in the WCDC Red Cloud. If you have been elected prior to this date, please make sure to complete your RSVP for this event at https://nrhh.unl.edu/lr for this required event. If you have any questions, please email unlnrhh@unl.edu.