Getting Involved

There are many ways for hall residents to get involved with hall government! All of the opportunities listed below are great ways to gain leadership and teamwork experience while making the residence halls a great place to live! We also have some great videos for you to view of our interview with TRIO about hall government and getting involved on campus.

RHA Executive Board

The RHA Executive Board consists of ten members. To learn more about these different positions please go to You can also find out how to apply for any current opening or just let us know your interest at at, or run for position for the next academic year at or email us at The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) also appoints one representative to serve on the RHA Executive Board.

RHA Senators

Each local council has at least one representative that serve on the RHA Senate. The number of representatives from each local council is based on population of the area it serves. The role of these senators is to attend the weekly senate meetings (Tuesdays at 7PM) and be the voice of their area's residents. The senators vote on legislation and are responsible for communication between their local council and the RHA Senate. Senators are also required to be a part of at least one committee in RHA. RHA Senators are typically elected during the fall semester within the first two weeks by electronic ballot. More information on fall elections can be found at the semester, individuals may submit interest to RHA or their Local Council and the Local Council makes appointments for any open Senator positions. If you are interested in an RHA Senator position, please fill out the following form -

Local Councils

Every hall or complex has a local council that residents can be a part of! Elections take place in either the Fall or Spring, depending on the hall. These local councils run events and plan initiatives for their area/hall. More information on local elections can be found at &

RHA Committees

Any resident of the halls can be a member of an RHA committee! Committee meeting times are worked out with the members of the committee during the year, so times are flexible! More information on the different committees and how to apply can be found at Applications can be submitted directly to the RHA at If you have any further questions feel free to contact us!

Attending RHA Meetings

All hall residents are welcome to attend hall government meetings! Please visit for more information about upcoming RHA meetings.

Joining NRHH

Anyone living in the residence halls can apply to join NRHH. NRHH welcomes all individuals to our family as we work to support the community through service, recognition, and mentoring future leaders. Learn more at