Free Menstrual Products in Residence Halls

During the first few weeks of the Fall 2022 semester, a question was presented to the RHA Senate about access to menstrual products in the residence halls and whether this is something that could be provided. Seeing a need, RHA advocated to University Housing to request adding menstrual products to first floor women's and gender-neutral restrooms to increase access to these products and offer them in case of need for students.

Dispensers in restrooms offer Hospeco® Original Regular Tampax® Tampons & Maxithins® Maxi Pads. Dispensers are monitored and restocked between Monday-Friday, 7:00AM - 4:00PM during bathroom cleaning schedules based on supplies. If you find a restroom is not being restocked, you can email RHA at or file a work order for the restroom through MyRed.

These products are meant to be supplemental for residents' needs. Other resources on campus for menstrual products can be found at the UNL Gender & Sexuality Center and through their online menstrual product request form. To learn more about menstrual products and what may be best for you, visit the menstrual products resource page.

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